Refund policy

This refund policy pertains to all online purchases of memberships and products purchased in connection with the website. All sales are final. Since, upon purchase a customer may download immediate product from the website, all sales are final and no refunds will be given except under the following circumstances:

A purchase is made under fraudulent practice where someone uses a person’s credit card without their permission, thereby committing theft. In this case, a refund will be given if, within 72 hours from the time of purchase, a notice is given to that the given purchase was made without the authorization of the cardholder and the same is reported to the credit card company. Upon verifying from the respective credit card company that the purchase was made under fraudulent means or theft occurred, than shall refund the monies within 72 hours from the time it was verified by that a claim was made to the respective credit card company by the cardholder. If, within the initial 24 hours of purchase of a membership or product technical difficulties occur wherein the servers are down or processing is delayed resulting in a customer’s inability to download products or verify membership.

To request a refund please contact us within the time frames provided above. Please add your Transaction #, found in the email receipt.